-- Group theory properties

{-# OPTIONS --exact-split              #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-sized-types           #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-universe-polymorphism #-}
{-# OPTIONS --without-K                #-}

module GroupTheory.PropertiesATP where

open import GroupTheory.Base


postulate leftCancellation :  {a b c}  a · b  a · c  b  c
{-# ATP prove leftCancellation #-}

postulate rightIdentity :  a  a · ε  a
{-# ATP prove rightIdentity #-}

postulate rightInverse :  a  a · a ⁻¹  ε
{-# ATP prove rightInverse #-}

postulate rightCancellation :  {a b c}  b · a  c · a  b  c
{-# ATP prove rightCancellation #-}

postulate y≡x⁻¹[xy] :  a b  b  a ⁻¹ · (a · b)
{-# ATP prove y≡x⁻¹[xy] #-}

postulate x≡[xy]y⁻¹ :  a b  a  (a · b) · b ⁻¹
{-# ATP prove x≡[xy]y⁻¹ #-}

postulate rightIdentityUnique :  r  (∀ a  a · r  a)  r  ε
{-# ATP prove rightIdentityUnique #-}

-- A more appropiate version to be used in the proofs.
postulate rightIdentityUnique' :  a r  a · r  a  r  ε
{-# ATP prove rightIdentityUnique' #-}

postulate leftIdentityUnique :  l  (∀ a  l · a  a)  l  ε
{-# ATP prove leftIdentityUnique #-}

-- A more appropiate version to be used in the proofs.
postulate leftIdentityUnique' :  a l  l · a  a  l  ε
{-# ATP prove leftIdentityUnique' #-}

  rightInverseUnique :  {a}  ∃[ r ] (a · r  ε)  (∀ r'  a · r'  ε  r  r')
{-# ATP prove rightInverseUnique #-}

-- A more appropiate version to be used in the proofs.
postulate rightInverseUnique' :  {a r}  a · r  ε  a ⁻¹  r
{-# ATP prove rightInverseUnique' #-}

  leftInverseUnique :  {a}  ∃[ l ] (l · a  ε)  (∀ l'  l' · a  ε  l  l')
{-# ATP prove leftInverseUnique #-}

-- A more appropiate version to be used in the proofs.
postulate leftInverseUnique' :  {a l}  l · a  ε  a ⁻¹  l
{-# ATP prove leftInverseUnique' #-}

postulate ⁻¹-involutive :  a  a ⁻¹ ⁻¹  a
{-# ATP prove ⁻¹-involutive #-}

postulate identityInverse : ε ⁻¹  ε
{-# ATP prove identityInverse #-}

postulate inverseDistributive :  a b  (a · b) ⁻¹  b ⁻¹ · a ⁻¹
{-# ATP prove inverseDistributive #-}

-- The equation xa = b has an unique solution.
  xa≡b-uniqueSolution :  a b  ∃[ x ] (x · a  b)  (∀ x'  x' · a  b  x  x')
{-# ATP prove xa≡b-uniqueSolution #-}

-- The equation ax = b has an unique solution.
  ax≡b-uniqueSolution :  a b  ∃[ x ] (a · x  b)  (∀ x'  a · x'  b  x  x')
{-# ATP prove ax≡b-uniqueSolution #-}

-- If the square of every element is the identity, the system is
-- commutative. From: TPTP 6.2.0 problem GRP/GRP001-2.p.
postulate x²≡ε→comm : (∀ a  a · a  ε)   {b c d}  b · c  d  c · b  d
{-# ATP prove x²≡ε→comm #-}