-- First-order logic (without equality)

{-# OPTIONS --exact-split              #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-sized-types           #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-universe-polymorphism #-}
{-# OPTIONS --without-K                #-}

-- This module is re-exported by the "base" modules whose theories are
-- defined on first-order logic (without equality).

-- The logical connectives are hard-coded in our translation, i.e. the
-- symbols ⊥, ⊤, ¬, ∧, ∨, → and ↔ must be used.
-- N.B. For the implication we use the Agda function type.
-- N.B For the universal quantifier we use the Agda (dependent)
-- function type.

module Common.FOL.FOL where

infixr 4 _,_
infix  3 ¬_
infixr 2 _∧_
infix  2infixr 1 _∨_
infixr 0 _↔_

-- The universe of discourse/universal domain.
postulate D : Set

-- The conjunction data type.

-- It is not necessary to add the data constructor _,_ as an
-- axiom because the ATPs implement it.
data _∧_ (A B : Set) : Set where
  _,_ : A  B  A  B

-- It is not strictly necessary define the projections ∧-proj₁ and
-- ∧-proj₂ because the ATPs implement them. For the same reason, it is
-- not necessary to add them as (general/local) hints.
∧-proj₁ :  {A B}  A  B  A
∧-proj₁ (a , _) = a

∧-proj₂ :  {A B}  A  B  B
∧-proj₂ (_ , b) = b

-- The disjunction data type.

-- It is not necessary to add the data constructors inj₁ and inj₂ as
-- axioms because the ATPs implement them.
data _∨_ (A B : Set) : Set where
  inj₁ : A  A  B
  inj₂ : B  A  B

-- It is not strictly necessary define the eliminator `case` because
-- the ATPs implement it. For the same reason, it is not necessary to
-- add it as a (general/local) hint.
case :  {A B}  {C : Set}  (A  C)  (B  C)  A  B  C
case f g (inj₁ a) = f a
case f g (inj₂ b) = g b

-- The empty type.
data  : Set where

⊥-elim : {A : Set}    A
⊥-elim ()

-- The unit type.
-- N.B. The name of this type is "\top", not T.
data  : Set where
  tt : 

-- Negation.
-- The underscore allows to write for example '¬ ¬ A' instead of '¬ (¬ A)'.
¬_ : Set  Set
¬ A = A  

-- Biconditional.
_↔_ : Set  Set  Set
A  B = (A  B)  (B  A)

-- The existential quantifier type on D.
data  (A : D  Set) : Set where
  _,_ : (t : D)  A t   A

-- Sugar syntax for the existential quantifier.
syntax x  e) = ∃[ x ] e

-- 2012-03-05: We avoid to use the existential elimination or the
-- existential projections because we use pattern matching (and the
-- Agda's with constructor).

-- The existential elimination.
-- NB. We do not use the usual type theory elimination with two
-- projections because we are working in first-order logic where we do
-- not need extract a witness from an existence proof.
-- ∃-elim : {A : D → Set}{B : Set} → ∃ A → (∀ {x} → A x → B) → B
-- ∃-elim (_ , Ax) h = h Ax

-- The existential proyections.
-- ∃-proj₁ : ∀ {A} → ∃ A → D
-- ∃-proj₁ (x , _) = x

-- ∃-proj₂ : ∀ {A} → (h : ∃ A) → A (∃-proj₁ h)
-- ∃-proj₂ (_ , Ax) = Ax

-- Properties

→-trans : {A B C : Set}  (A  B)  (B  C)  A  C
→-trans f g a = g (f a)