-- Properties of the mirror function

{-# OPTIONS --exact-split              #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-sized-types           #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-universe-polymorphism #-}
{-# OPTIONS --without-K                #-}

module FOTC.Program.Mirror.PropertiesATP where

open import FOTC.Base
open import FOTC.Base.List
open import FOTC.Data.List
open import FOTC.Data.List.PropertiesATP using ( reverse-[x]≡[x] )
open import FOTC.Program.Mirror.Forest.PropertiesATP
open import FOTC.Program.Mirror.Forest.TotalityATP
open import FOTC.Program.Mirror.Mirror
open import FOTC.Program.Mirror.Tree.TotalityATP
open import FOTC.Program.Mirror.Type


mirror-involutive :  {t}  Tree t  mirror · (mirror · t)  t
helper            :  {ts}  Forest ts 
                    reverse (map mirror (reverse (map mirror ts)))  ts

mirror-involutive (tree d fnil) = prf
  where postulate prf : mirror · (mirror · node d [])  node d []
        {-# ATP prove prf #-}

mirror-involutive (tree d (fcons {t} {ts} Tt Fts)) = prf
  where postulate prf : mirror · (mirror · node d (t  ts))  node d (t  ts)
        {-# ATP prove prf helper #-}

helper fnil = prf
  where postulate prf : reverse (map mirror (reverse (map mirror [])))  []
        {-# ATP prove prf #-}

helper (fcons {t} {ts} Tt Fts) =
  prf (map-++ mirror
              (reverse-Forest (map-Forest mirror mirror-Tree Fts))
              (mirror · t  []))
      (mirror-involutive Tt)
      (helper Fts)
    -- We help the ATPs proving the first hypothesis.
    prf : (map mirror (reverse (map mirror ts) ++ (mirror · t  [])) 
          map mirror
              (reverse (map mirror ts)) ++ (map mirror (mirror · t  []))) 
          mirror · (mirror · t)  t 
          reverse (map mirror (reverse (map mirror ts)))  ts 
          reverse (map mirror (reverse (map mirror (t  ts))))  t  ts
  {-# ATP prove prf reverse-∷ mirror-Tree map-Forest reverse-++
                    reverse-Forest reverse-[x]≡[x] #-}