-- The types used by the mirror function

{-# OPTIONS --exact-split              #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-sized-types           #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-universe-polymorphism #-}
{-# OPTIONS --without-K                #-}

module FOTC.Program.Mirror.Type where

open import FOTC.Base
open import FOTC.Base.List
open import FOTC.Data.List

-- Tree terms.
postulate node : D  D  D

-- The mutually totality predicates

data Forest : D  Set  -- The list of rose trees (called forest).
data Tree   : D  Set  -- The rose tree type.

data Forest where
  fnil  : Forest []
  fcons :  {t ts}  Tree t  Forest ts  Forest (t  ts)
{-# ATP axioms fnil fcons #-}

data Tree where
  tree :  d {ts}  Forest ts  Tree (node d ts)
{-# ATP axiom tree #-}

-- Mutual induction for Tree and Forest

-- Adapted from the mutual induction principles generate from Coq
-- 8.4pl4 using the command (see Coq'Art p. 401).
-- Scheme Tree_mutual_ind :=
--   Minimality for Tree Sort Prop
-- with Forest_mutual_ind :=
--   Minimality for Forest Sort Prop.

Tree-mutual-ind :
  {A B : D  Set} 
  (∀ d {ts}  Forest ts  B ts  A (node d ts)) 
  B [] 
  (∀ {t ts}  Tree t  A t  Forest ts  B ts  B (t  ts)) 
   {t}  Tree t  A t

Forest-mutual-ind :
  {A B : D  Set} 
  (∀ d {ts}  Forest ts  B ts  A (node d ts)) 
  B [] 
  (∀ {t ts}  Tree t  A t  Forest ts  B ts  B (t  ts)) 
   {ts}  Forest ts  B ts

Tree-mutual-ind hA B[] _ (tree d fnil) = hA d fnil B[]
Tree-mutual-ind hA B[] hB (tree d (fcons Tt Fts)) =
  hA d (fcons Tt Fts) (hB Tt (Tree-mutual-ind hA B[] hB Tt)
                          Fts (Forest-mutual-ind hA B[] hB Fts))

Forest-mutual-ind _  B[] _ fnil = B[]
Forest-mutual-ind hA B[] hB (fcons Tt Fts) =
  hB Tt (Tree-mutual-ind hA B[] hB Tt) Fts (Forest-mutual-ind hA B[] hB Fts)