-- ABP Lemma 2

{-# OPTIONS --exact-split              #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-sized-types           #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-universe-polymorphism #-}
{-# OPTIONS --without-K                #-}

-- From Dybjer and Sander's paper: The second lemma states that given
-- a state of the latter kind (see Lemma 1) we will arrive at a new
-- start state, which is identical to the old start state except that
-- the bit has alternated and the first item in the input stream has
-- been removed.

module FOTC.Program.ABP.Lemma2I where

open import Common.FOL.Relation.Binary.EqReasoning

open import FOTC.Base
open import FOTC.Base.List
open import FOTC.Base.List.PropertiesI
open import FOTC.Base.Loop
open import FOTC.Base.PropertiesI
open import FOTC.Data.Bool
open import FOTC.Data.Bool.PropertiesI
open import FOTC.Data.List
open import FOTC.Data.List.PropertiesI
open import FOTC.Program.ABP.ABP
open import FOTC.Program.ABP.Fair.Type
open import FOTC.Program.ABP.Fair.PropertiesI
open import FOTC.Program.ABP.PropertiesI
open import FOTC.Program.ABP.Terms

-- Helper function for Lemma 2.
helper₂ :  {b i' is' os₁' os₂' as' bs' cs' ds' js'} 
          Bit b 
          Fair os₁' 
          S' b i' is' os₁' os₂' as' bs' cs' ds' js' 
           ft₂ os₂''  F*T ft₂  Fair os₂''  os₂'  ft₂ ++ os₂'' 
          ∃[ os₁'' ] ∃[ os₂'' ] ∃[ as'' ] ∃[ bs'' ] ∃[ cs'' ] ∃[ ds'' ]
            Fair os₁''
             Fair os₂''
             S (not b) is' os₁'' os₂'' as'' bs'' cs'' ds'' js'
helper₂ {b} {i'} {is'} {os₁'} {os₂'} {as'} {bs'} {cs'} {ds'} {js'}
       Bb Fos₁' (as'S' , bs'S' , cs'S' , ds'S' , js'S')
       .(T  []) os₂'' f*tnil Fos₂'' os₂'-eq =
       os₁' , os₂'' , as'' , bs'' , cs'' , ds''
       , Fos₁' , Fos₂''
       , as''-eq , bs''-eq ,  cs''-eq , refl , js'-eq
  os₂'-eq-helper : os₂'  T  os₂''
  os₂'-eq-helper =
    os₂'              ≡⟨ os₂'-eq 
    (T  []) ++ os₂'' ≡⟨ ++-∷ T [] os₂'' 
    T  [] ++ os₂''   ≡⟨ ∷-rightCong (++-leftIdentity os₂'') 
    T  os₂''         

  ds'' : D
  ds'' = corrupt os₂'' · cs'

  ds'-eq : ds'  ok b  ds''
  ds'-eq =
    ds' ≡⟨ ds'S' 
    corrupt os₂' · (b  cs')
      ≡⟨ ·-leftCong (corruptCong os₂'-eq-helper) 
    corrupt (T  os₂'') · (b  cs')
      ≡⟨ corrupt-T os₂'' b cs' 
    ok b  corrupt os₂'' · cs'
       ≡⟨ refl 
    ok b  ds'' 

  as'' : D
  as'' = as'

  as''-eq : as''  send (not b) · is' · ds''
  as''-eq =
    as''                         ≡⟨ as'S' 
    await b i' is' ds'           ≡⟨ awaitCong₄ ds'-eq 
    await b i' is' (ok b  ds'') ≡⟨ await-ok≡ b b i' is' ds'' refl 
    send (not b) · is' · ds''    

  bs'' : D
  bs'' = bs'

  bs''-eq : bs''  corrupt os₁' · as'
  bs''-eq = bs'S'

  cs'' : D
  cs'' = cs'

  cs''-eq : cs''  ack (not b) · bs'
  cs''-eq = cs'S'

  js'-eq : js'  out (not b) · bs''
  js'-eq = js'S'

helper₂ {b} {i'} {is'} {os₁'} {os₂'} {as'} {bs'} {cs'} {ds'} {js'}
        Bb Fos₁' (as'S' , bs'S' , cs'S' , ds'S' , js'S')
        .(F  ft₂) os₂'' (f*tcons {ft₂} FTft₂) Fos₂'' os₂'-eq =
        helper₂ Bb (tail-Fair Fos₁') ihS' ft₂ os₂'' FTft₂ Fos₂'' refl
  os₁^ : D
  os₁^ = tail₁ os₁'

  os₂^ : D
  os₂^ = ft₂ ++ os₂''

  os₂'-eq-helper : os₂'  F  os₂^
  os₂'-eq-helper = os₂'               ≡⟨ os₂'-eq 
                   (F  ft₂) ++ os₂'' ≡⟨ ++-∷ _ _ _ 
                   F  ft₂ ++ os₂''   ≡⟨ refl 
                   F  os₂^           

  ds^ : D
  ds^ = corrupt os₂^ · cs'

  ds'-eq : ds'  error  ds^
  ds'-eq =
      ≡⟨ ds'S' 
    corrupt os₂' · (b  cs')
      ≡⟨ ·-leftCong (corruptCong os₂'-eq-helper) 
    corrupt (F  os₂^) · (b  cs')
      ≡⟨ corrupt-F _ _ _ 
    error  corrupt os₂^ · cs'
      ≡⟨ refl 
    error  ds^ 

  as^ : D
  as^ = await b i' is' ds^

  as'-eq : as'  < i' , b >  as^
  as'-eq = as'                             ≡⟨ as'S' 
           await b i' is' ds'              ≡⟨ awaitCong₄ ds'-eq 
           await b i' is' (error  ds^)    ≡⟨ await-error _ _ _ _ 
           < i' , b >  await b i' is' ds^ ≡⟨ refl 
           < i' , b >  as^                

  bs^ : D
  bs^ = corrupt os₁^ · as^

  bs'-eq-helper₁ : os₁'  T  tail₁ os₁'  bs'  ok < i' , b >  bs^
  bs'-eq-helper₁ h =
      ≡⟨ bs'S' 
    corrupt os₁' · as'
      ≡⟨ subst₂  t t'  corrupt os₁' · as'  corrupt t · t')
    corrupt (T  tail₁ os₁') · (< i' , b >  as^)
      ≡⟨ corrupt-T _ _ _ 
    ok < i' , b >  corrupt (tail₁ os₁') · as^
       ≡⟨ refl 
    ok < i' , b >  bs^ 

  bs'-eq-helper₂ : os₁'  F  tail₁ os₁'  bs'  error  bs^
  bs'-eq-helper₂ h =
      ≡⟨ bs'S' 
    corrupt os₁' · as'
      ≡⟨ subst₂  t t'  corrupt os₁' · as'  corrupt t · t')
    corrupt (F  tail₁ os₁') · (< i' , b >  as^)
      ≡⟨ corrupt-F _ _ _ 
    error  corrupt (tail₁ os₁') · as^
      ≡⟨ refl 
    error  bs^ 

  bs'-eq : bs'  ok < i' , b >  bs^  bs'  error  bs^
  bs'-eq = case  h  inj₁ (bs'-eq-helper₁ h))
                 h  inj₂ (bs'-eq-helper₂ h))
                (head-tail-Fair Fos₁')

  cs^ : D
  cs^ = ack (not b) · bs^

  cs'-eq-helper₁ : bs'  ok < i' , b >  bs^  cs'  b  cs^
  cs'-eq-helper₁ h =
    cs'                                 ≡⟨ cs'S' 
    ack (not b) · bs'                   ≡⟨ ·-rightCong h 
    ack (not b) · (ok < i' , b >  bs^) ≡⟨ ack-ok≢ _ _ _ _ (not-x≢x Bb) 
    not (not b)  ack (not b) · bs^     ≡⟨ ∷-leftCong (not-involutive Bb) 
    b  ack (not b) · bs^               ≡⟨ refl 
    b  cs^                             

  cs'-eq-helper₂ : bs'  error  bs^  cs'  b  cs^
  cs'-eq-helper₂ h =
    cs'                             ≡⟨ cs'S' 
    ack (not b) · bs'               ≡⟨ ·-rightCong h 
    ack (not b) · (error  bs^)     ≡⟨ ack-error _ _ 
    not (not b)  ack (not b) · bs^ ≡⟨ ∷-leftCong (not-involutive Bb) 
    b  ack (not b) · bs^           ≡⟨ refl 
    b  cs^                         

  cs'-eq : cs'  b  cs^
  cs'-eq = case cs'-eq-helper₁ cs'-eq-helper₂ bs'-eq

  js'-eq-helper₁ : bs'  ok < i' , b >  bs^  js'  out (not b) · bs^
  js'-eq-helper₁ h  =
      ≡⟨ js'S' 
    out (not b) · bs'
      ≡⟨ ·-rightCong h 
    out (not b) · (ok < i' , b >  bs^)
      ≡⟨ out-ok≢ (not b) b i' bs^ (not-x≢x Bb) 
    out (not b) · bs^ 

  js'-eq-helper₂ : bs'  error  bs^  js'  out (not b) · bs^
  js'-eq-helper₂ h  =
    js'                         ≡⟨ js'S' 
    out (not b) · bs'           ≡⟨ ·-rightCong h 
    out (not b) · (error  bs^) ≡⟨ out-error (not b) bs^ 
    out (not b) · bs^           

  js'-eq : js'  out (not b) · bs^
  js'-eq = case js'-eq-helper₁ js'-eq-helper₂ bs'-eq

  ds^-eq : ds^  corrupt os₂^ · (b  cs^)
  ds^-eq = ·-rightCong cs'-eq

  ihS' : S' b i' is' os₁^ os₂^ as^ bs^ cs^ ds^ js'
  ihS' = refl , refl , refl , ds^-eq , js'-eq

-- From Dybjer and Sander's paper: From the assumption that
-- os₂' ∈ Fair and hence by unfolding Fair, we conclude that there are
-- ft₂ : F*T and os₂'' : Fair, such that os₂' = ft₂ ++ os₂''.
-- We proceed by induction on ft₂ : F*T using helper.

lemma₂ :  {b i' is' os₁' os₂' as' bs' cs' ds' js'} 
         Bit b 
         Fair os₁' 
         Fair os₂' 
         S' b i' is' os₁' os₂' as' bs' cs' ds' js' 
         ∃[ os₁'' ] ∃[ os₂'' ] ∃[ as'' ] ∃[ bs'' ] ∃[ cs'' ] ∃[ ds'' ]
         Fair os₁''
          Fair os₂''
          S (not b) is' os₁'' os₂'' as'' bs'' cs'' ds'' js'
lemma₂ {b} {is' = is'} {os₂' = os₂'} {js' = js'} Bb Fos₁' Fos₂' s' =
  helper₁ (Fair-out Fos₂')
  helper₁ : (∃[ ft₂ ] ∃[ os₂'' ] F*T ft₂  os₂'  ft₂ ++ os₂''  Fair os₂'') 
            ∃[ os₁'' ] ∃[ os₂'' ] ∃[ as'' ] ∃[ bs'' ] ∃[ cs'' ] ∃[ ds'' ]
              Fair os₁''
               Fair os₂''
               S (not b) is' os₁'' os₂'' as'' bs'' cs'' ds'' js'
  helper₁ (ft₂ , os₂'' , FTft₂ , os₂'-eq , Fos₂'') =
    helper₂ Bb Fos₁' s' ft₂ os₂'' FTft₂ Fos₂'' os₂'-eq