-- The Booleans properties

{-# OPTIONS --exact-split              #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-sized-types           #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-universe-polymorphism #-}
{-# OPTIONS --without-K                #-}

module FOTC.Data.Bool.PropertiesI where

open import Common.FOL.Relation.Binary.EqReasoning

open import FOTC.Base
open import FOTC.Data.Bool
open import FOTC.Data.Nat.Inequalities
open import FOTC.Data.Nat.Inequalities.PropertiesI
open import FOTC.Data.Nat.Type

-- Congruence properties

&&-leftCong :  {a b c}  a  b  a && c  b && c
&&-leftCong refl = refl

&&-rightCong :  {a b c}  b  c  a && b  a && c
&&-rightCong refl = refl

&&-cong :  {a b c d }  a  c  b  d  a && b  c && d
&&-cong refl refl = refl

notCong :  {a b}  a  b  not a  not b
notCong refl = refl

-- Basic properties

t&&x≡x :  b  true && b  b
t&&x≡x b = if-true b

f&&x≡f :  b  false && b  false
f&&x≡f b = if-false false

not-t : not true  false
not-t = if-true false

not-f : not false  true
not-f = if-false true

&&-Bool :  {a b}  Bool a  Bool b  Bool (a && b)
&&-Bool {b = b} btrue  Bb = subst Bool (sym (t&&x≡x b)) Bb
&&-Bool {b = b} bfalse Bb = subst Bool (sym (f&&x≡f b)) bfalse

not-Bool :  {b}  Bool b  Bool (not b)
not-Bool btrue  = subst Bool (sym not-t) bfalse
not-Bool bfalse = subst Bool (sym not-f) btrue

&&-comm :  {a b}  Bool a  Bool b  a && b  b && a
&&-comm btrue  btrue  = refl
&&-comm btrue  bfalse = trans (t&&x≡x false) (sym (f&&x≡f true))
&&-comm bfalse btrue  = trans (f&&x≡f true) (sym (t&&x≡x false))
&&-comm bfalse bfalse = refl

&&-assoc :  {a b c}  Bool a  Bool b  Bool c  (a && b) && c  a && b && c
&&-assoc btrue btrue btrue = &&-cong (t&&x≡x true) (sym (t&&x≡x true))
&&-assoc btrue btrue bfalse = &&-cong (t&&x≡x true) (sym (t&&x≡x false))
&&-assoc btrue bfalse btrue =
  (true && false) && true ≡⟨ &&-comm (&&-Bool btrue bfalse) btrue 
  true && (true && false) ≡⟨ t&&x≡x (true && false) 
  true && false           ≡⟨ &&-rightCong (sym (f&&x≡f true)) 
  true && false && true   
&&-assoc btrue bfalse bfalse =
  (true && false) && false ≡⟨ &&-comm (&&-Bool btrue bfalse) bfalse 
  false && (true && false) ≡⟨ f&&x≡f (true && false) 
  false                    ≡⟨ sym (f&&x≡f false) 
  false && false           ≡⟨ sym (t&&x≡x (false && false)) 
  true && false && false   
&&-assoc bfalse btrue btrue = &&-cong (f&&x≡f true) (sym (t&&x≡x true))
&&-assoc bfalse btrue bfalse = &&-cong (f&&x≡f true) (sym (t&&x≡x false))
&&-assoc bfalse bfalse btrue =
  (false && false) && true ≡⟨ &&-comm (&&-Bool bfalse bfalse) btrue 
  true && (false && false) ≡⟨ t&&x≡x (false && false) 
  false && false           ≡⟨ f&&x≡f false 
  false                    ≡⟨ sym (f&&x≡f (false && true)) 
  false && false && true   
&&-assoc bfalse bfalse bfalse = &&-cong (f&&x≡f false) (sym (f&&x≡f false))

&&-list₂-t :  {a b}  Bool a  Bool b  a && b  true  a  true  b  true
&&-list₂-t btrue  btrue  h = refl , refl
&&-list₂-t btrue  bfalse h = ⊥-elim (t≢f (trans (sym h) (t&&x≡x false)))
&&-list₂-t bfalse btrue  h = ⊥-elim (t≢f (trans (sym h) (f&&x≡f true)))
&&-list₂-t bfalse bfalse h = ⊥-elim (t≢f (trans (sym h) (f&&x≡f false)))

&&-list₂-t₁ :  {a b}  Bool a  Bool b  a && b  true  a  true
&&-list₂-t₁ Ba Bb h = ∧-proj₁ (&&-list₂-t Ba Bb h)

&&-list₂-t₂ :  {a b}  Bool a  Bool b  a && b  true  b  true
&&-list₂-t₂ Ba Bb h = ∧-proj₂ (&&-list₂-t Ba Bb h)

&&-list₂-all-t :  {a b}  Bool a  Bool b 
                 (a  true  b  true) 
                 a && b  true
&&-list₂-all-t btrue  btrue  h         = t&&x≡x true
&&-list₂-all-t btrue  bfalse (h₁ , h₂) = ⊥-elim (t≢f (sym h₂))
&&-list₂-all-t bfalse Bb     (h₁ , h₂) = ⊥-elim (t≢f (sym h₁))

&&-list₃-all-t :  {a b c}  Bool a  Bool b  Bool c 
                 a  true  b  true  c  true 
                 a && b && c  true
&&-list₃-all-t btrue btrue btrue h = trans (t&&x≡x (true && true)) (t&&x≡x true)
&&-list₃-all-t btrue btrue bfalse (h₁ , h₂ , h₃) = ⊥-elim (t≢f (sym h₃))
&&-list₃-all-t btrue bfalse Bc (h₁ , h₂ , h₃) = ⊥-elim (t≢f (sym h₂))
&&-list₃-all-t bfalse Bb Bc (h₁ , h₂ , h₃) = ⊥-elim (t≢f (sym h₁))

&&-list₄-all-t :  {a b c d}  Bool a  Bool b  Bool c  Bool d 
                 a  true  b  true  c  true  d  true 
                 a && b && c && d  true
&&-list₄-all-t btrue btrue btrue btrue h =
  trans₂ (t&&x≡x (true && true && true)) (t&&x≡x (true && true)) (t&&x≡x true)
&&-list₄-all-t btrue btrue btrue bfalse (h₁ , h₂ , h₃ , h₄) = ⊥-elim (t≢f (sym h₄))
&&-list₄-all-t btrue btrue bfalse Bd (h₁ , h₂ , h₃ , h₄) = ⊥-elim (t≢f (sym h₃))
&&-list₄-all-t btrue bfalse Bc Bd (h₁ , h₂ , h₃ , h₄) = ⊥-elim (t≢f (sym h₂))
&&-list₄-all-t bfalse Bb Bc Bd (h₁ , h₂ , h₃ , h₄) = ⊥-elim (t≢f (sym h₁))

&&-list₄-some-f :  {a b c d}  Bool a  Bool b  Bool c  Bool d 
                  a  false  b  false  c  false  d  false 
                  a && b && c && d  false
&&-list₄-some-f btrue Bb Bc Bd (inj₁ h) = ⊥-elim (t≢f h)
&&-list₄-some-f btrue btrue Bc Bd (inj₂ (inj₁ h)) = ⊥-elim (t≢f h)
&&-list₄-some-f btrue btrue btrue Bd (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₁ h))) = ⊥-elim (t≢f h)
&&-list₄-some-f btrue btrue btrue btrue (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₂ h))) = ⊥-elim (t≢f h)
&&-list₄-some-f btrue btrue btrue bfalse (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₂ h))) =
  trans (t&&x≡x (true && true && false))
        (trans (t&&x≡x (true && false)) (t&&x≡x false))
&&-list₄-some-f btrue btrue bfalse btrue (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₁ h))) =
  trans (t&&x≡x (true && false && true))
        (trans (t&&x≡x (false && true)) (f&&x≡f true))
&&-list₄-some-f btrue btrue bfalse btrue (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₂ h))) = ⊥-elim (t≢f h)
&&-list₄-some-f btrue btrue bfalse bfalse (inj₂ (inj₂ h)) =
  trans (t&&x≡x (true && false && false))
        (trans (t&&x≡x (false && false)) (f&&x≡f false))
&&-list₄-some-f {c = c} {d} btrue bfalse Bc Bd (inj₂ h) =
  trans (t&&x≡x (false && c && d)) (f&&x≡f (c && d))
&&-list₄-some-f {b = b} {c} {d} bfalse Bb Bc Bd _ = f&&x≡f (b && c && d)

&&-list₄-t :  {a b c d}  Bool a  Bool b  Bool c  Bool d 
             a && b && c && d  true 
             a  true  b  true  c  true  d  true
&&-list₄-t btrue btrue btrue btrue h = refl , refl , refl , refl
&&-list₄-t btrue btrue btrue bfalse h =
  ⊥-elim (t≢f
           (trans (sym h)
                  (&&-list₄-some-f btrue btrue btrue bfalse (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₂ refl))))))
&&-list₄-t btrue btrue bfalse Bd h =
  ⊥-elim (t≢f
           (trans (sym h)
                  (&&-list₄-some-f btrue btrue bfalse Bd (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₁ refl))))))
&&-list₄-t btrue bfalse Bc Bd h =
  ⊥-elim (t≢f
           (trans (sym h) (&&-list₄-some-f btrue bfalse Bc Bd (inj₂ (inj₁ refl)))))
&&-list₄-t bfalse Bb Bc Bd h =
  ⊥-elim (t≢f (trans (sym h) (&&-list₄-some-f bfalse Bb Bc Bd (inj₁ refl))))

&&-list₄-t₁ :  {a b c d}  Bool a  Bool b  Bool c  Bool d 
              a && b && c && d  true  a  true
&&-list₄-t₁ Ba Bb Bc Bd h = ∧-proj₁ (&&-list₄-t Ba Bb Bc Bd h)

&&-list₄-t₂ :  {a b c d}  Bool a  Bool b  Bool c  Bool d 
              a && b && c && d  true  b  true
&&-list₄-t₂ Ba Bb Bc Bd h = ∧-proj₁ (∧-proj₂ (&&-list₄-t Ba Bb Bc Bd h))

&&-list₄-t₃ :  {a b c d}  Bool a  Bool b  Bool c  Bool d 
              a && b && c && d  true  c  true
&&-list₄-t₃ Ba Bb Bc Bd h =
  ∧-proj₁ (∧-proj₂ (∧-proj₂ (&&-list₄-t Ba Bb Bc Bd h)))

&&-list₄-t₄ :  {a b c d}  Bool a  Bool b  Bool c  Bool d 
              a && b && c && d  true  d  true
&&-list₄-t₄ Ba Bb Bc Bd h =
  ∧-proj₂ (∧-proj₂ (∧-proj₂ (&&-list₄-t Ba Bb Bc Bd h)))

x≢not-x :  {b}  Bool b  b  not b
x≢not-x btrue  h = t≢f (trans h not-t)
x≢not-x bfalse h = t≢f (sym (trans h not-f))

not-x≢x :  {b}  Bool b  not b  b
not-x≢x Bb h = x≢not-x Bb (sym h)

not-involutive :  {b}  Bool b  not (not b)  b
not-involutive btrue  = trans (notCong not-t) not-f
not-involutive bfalse = trans (notCong not-f) not-t

-- Properties with inequalities

lt-Bool :  {m n}  N m  N n  Bool (lt m n)
lt-Bool nzero          nzero          = subst Bool (sym lt-00) bfalse
lt-Bool nzero          (nsucc {n} Nn) = subst Bool (sym (lt-0S n)) btrue
lt-Bool (nsucc {m} Nm) nzero          = subst Bool (sym (lt-S0 m)) bfalse
lt-Bool (nsucc {m} Nm) (nsucc {n} Nn) = subst Bool (sym (lt-SS m n)) (lt-Bool Nm Nn)

le-Bool :  {m n}  N m  N n  Bool (le m n)
le-Bool {n = n} nzero          Nn             = subst Bool (sym (lt-0S n)) btrue
le-Bool         (nsucc Nm)     nzero          = subst Bool (sym (Sx≰0 Nm)) bfalse
le-Bool         (nsucc {m} Nm) (nsucc {n} Nn) =
  subst Bool (sym (lt-SS m (succ₁ n))) (le-Bool Nm Nn)