-- The alternating bit protocol (ABP) is correct

{-# OPTIONS --exact-split              #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-sized-types           #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-universe-polymorphism #-}
{-# OPTIONS --without-K                #-}

-- This module proves the correctness of the ABP following the
-- formalization in Dybjer and Sander (1989).

-- N.B This module does not contain combined proofs, but it imports
-- modules which contain combined proofs.

module FOTC.Program.ABP.CorrectnessProofATP where

open import FOTC.Base
open import FOTC.Base.List
open import FOTC.Data.Bool
open import FOTC.Data.Bool.PropertiesATP using ( not-Bool )
open import FOTC.Data.Stream.Type
open import FOTC.Data.Stream.Equality.PropertiesATP
open import FOTC.Program.ABP.ABP
open import FOTC.Program.ABP.Lemma1ATP
open import FOTC.Program.ABP.Lemma2ATP
open import FOTC.Program.ABP.Fair.Type
open import FOTC.Program.ABP.Terms
open import FOTC.Relation.Binary.Bisimilarity.Type

-- Main theorem.
abpCorrect :  {b os₁ os₂ is}  Bit b  Fair os₁  Fair os₂  Stream is 
             is  abpTransfer b os₁ os₂ is
abpCorrect {b} {os₁} {os₂} {is} Bb Fos₁ Fos₂ Sis = ≈-coind B h₁ h₂
  postulate h₁ :  {ks ls}  B ks ls 
                 ∃[ k' ] ∃[ ks' ] ∃[ ls' ]
                   ks  k'  ks'  ls  k'  ls'  B ks' ls'
  {-# ATP prove h₁ lemma₁ lemma₂ not-Bool #-}

  postulate h₂ : B is (abpTransfer b os₁ os₂ is)
  {-# ATP prove h₂ #-}

-- abpTransfer produces a Stream.
  abpTransfer-Stream :  {b os₁ os₂ is} 
                       Bit b 
                       Fair os₁ 
                       Fair os₂ 
                       Stream is 
                       Stream (abpTransfer b os₁ os₂ is)
{-# ATP prove abpTransfer-Stream ≈→Stream₂ abpCorrect #-}

-- References
-- Dybjer, Peter and Sander, Herbert P. (1989). A Functional
-- Programming Approach to the Specification and Verification of
-- Concurrent Systems. Formal Aspects of Computing 1, pp. 303–319.