-- ABP Lemma 2

{-# OPTIONS --exact-split              #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-sized-types           #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-universe-polymorphism #-}
{-# OPTIONS --without-K                #-}

-- From Dybjer and Sander's paper: The second lemma states that given
-- a state of the latter kind (see Lemma 1) we will arrive at a new
-- start state, which is identical to the old start state except that
-- the bit has alternated and the first item in the input stream has
-- been removed.

module FOTC.Program.ABP.Lemma2ATP where

open import FOTC.Base
open import FOTC.Base.List
open import FOTC.Base.Loop
open import FOTC.Data.Bool
open import FOTC.Data.Bool.PropertiesATP
  using ( not-x≢x
        ; not-involutive
open import FOTC.Data.List
open import FOTC.Program.ABP.ABP
open import FOTC.Program.ABP.Fair.Type
open import FOTC.Program.ABP.Fair.PropertiesATP
open import FOTC.Program.ABP.Terms

-- 30 November 2013. If we don't have the following definitions
-- outside the where clause, the ATPs cannot prove the theorems.

ds^ : D  D  D
ds^ cs' os₂^ = corrupt os₂^ · cs'
{-# ATP definition ds^ #-}

as^ : D  D  D  D  D  D
as^ b i' is' cs' os₂^ = await b i' is' (ds^ cs' os₂^)
{-# ATP definition as^ #-}

bs^ : D  D  D  D  D  D  D
bs^ b i' is' cs' os₁^ os₂^ = corrupt os₁^ · as^ b i' is' cs' os₂^
{-# ATP definition bs^ #-}

cs^ : D  D  D  D  D  D  D
cs^ b i' is' cs' os₁^ os₂^ = ack (not b) · bs^ b i' is' cs' os₁^ os₂^
{-# ATP definition cs^ #-}

os₁^ : D  D
os₁^ os₁' = tail₁ os₁'
{-# ATP definition os₁^ #-}

os₂^ : D  D  D
os₂^ ft₂ os₂'' = ft₂ ++ os₂''
{-# ATP definition os₂^ #-}

-- Helper function for Lemma 2.
helper₂ :  {b i' is' os₁' os₂' as' bs' cs' ds' js'} 
          Bit b 
          Fair os₁' 
          S' b i' is' os₁' os₂' as' bs' cs' ds' js' 
           ft₂ os₂''  F*T ft₂  Fair os₂''  os₂'  ft₂ ++ os₂'' 
          ∃[ os₁'' ] ∃[ os₂'' ] ∃[ as'' ] ∃[ bs'' ] ∃[ cs'' ] ∃[ ds'' ]
            Fair os₁''
             Fair os₂''
             S (not b) is' os₁'' os₂'' as'' bs'' cs'' ds'' js'
helper₂ {b} {i'} {is'} {js' = js'} Bb Fos₁' s'
       .(T  []) os₂'' f*tnil Fos₂'' os₂'-eq = prf
    prf : ∃[ os₁'' ] ∃[ os₂'' ] ∃[ as'' ] ∃[ bs'' ] ∃[ cs'' ] ∃[ ds'' ]
          Fair os₁''
           Fair os₂''
           as''  send (not b) · is' · ds''
           bs''  corrupt os₁'' · as''
           cs''  ack (not b) · bs''
           ds''  corrupt os₂'' · cs''
           js'   out (not b) · bs''
  {-# ATP prove prf #-}

helper₂ {b} {i'} {is'} {os₁'} {os₂'} {as'} {bs'} {cs'} {ds'} {js'}
        Bb Fos₁' s'
        .(F  ft₂) os₂'' (f*tcons {ft₂} FTft₂) Fos₂'' os₂'-eq =
        helper₂ Bb (tail-Fair Fos₁') ihS' ft₂ os₂'' FTft₂ Fos₂'' refl
  postulate os₂'-eq-helper : os₂'  F  os₂^ ft₂ os₂''
  {-# ATP prove os₂'-eq-helper #-}

  postulate ds'-eq : ds'  error  ds^ cs' (os₂^ ft₂ os₂'')
  {-# ATP prove ds'-eq os₂'-eq-helper #-}

  postulate as'-eq : as'  < i' , b >  as^ b i' is' cs' (os₂^ ft₂ os₂'')
  {-# ATP prove as'-eq #-}

    bs'-eq : bs'  ok < i' , b >  bs^ b i' is' cs' (os₁^ os₁') (os₂^ ft₂ os₂'')
                bs'  error  bs^ b i' is' cs' (os₁^ os₁') (os₂^ ft₂ os₂'')
  {-# ATP prove bs'-eq as'-eq head-tail-Fair #-}

    cs'-eq-helper₁ :
      bs'  ok < i' , b >  bs^ b i' is' cs' (os₁^ os₁') (os₂^ ft₂ os₂'') 
      cs'  b  cs^ b i' is' cs' (os₁^ os₁') (os₂^ ft₂ os₂'')
  {-# ATP prove cs'-eq-helper₁ not-x≢x not-involutive #-}

    cs'-eq-helper₂ :
      bs'  error  bs^ b i' is' cs' (os₁^ os₁') (os₂^ ft₂ os₂'') 
      cs'  b  cs^ b i' is' cs' (os₁^ os₁') (os₂^ ft₂ os₂'')
  {-# ATP prove cs'-eq-helper₂ not-involutive #-}

  cs'-eq : cs'  b  cs^ b i' is' cs' (os₁^ os₁') (os₂^ ft₂ os₂'')
  cs'-eq = case cs'-eq-helper₁ cs'-eq-helper₂ bs'-eq

    js'-eq : js'  out (not b) · bs^ b i' is' cs' (os₁^ os₁') (os₂^ ft₂ os₂'')
  -- TODO (21 November 2014). See Apia issue 16
  -- {-# ATP prove js'-eq not-x≢x bs'-eq #-}

    ds^-eq : ds^ cs' (os₂^ ft₂ os₂'') 
             corrupt (os₂^ ft₂ os₂'') ·
               (b  cs^ b i' is' cs' (os₁^ os₁') (os₂^ ft₂ os₂''))
  {-# ATP prove ds^-eq cs'-eq #-}

  ihS' : S' b i' is'
            (os₁^ os₁')
            (os₂^ ft₂ os₂'')
            (as^ b i' is' cs' (os₂^ ft₂ os₂''))
            (bs^ b i' is' cs' (os₁^ os₁') (os₂^ ft₂ os₂''))
            (cs^ b i' is' cs' (os₁^ os₁') (os₂^ ft₂ os₂''))
            (ds^ cs' (os₂^ ft₂ os₂''))
  ihS' = refl , refl , refl , ds^-eq , js'-eq

-- From Dybjer and Sander's paper: From the assumption that
-- os₂' ∈ Fair and hence by unfolding Fair, we conclude that there are
-- ft₂ : F*T and os₂'' : Fair, such that os₂' = ft₂ ++ os₂''.
-- We proceed by induction on ft₂ : F*T using helper.

lemma₂ :  {b i' is' os₁' os₂' as' bs' cs' ds' js'} 
         Bit b 
         Fair os₁' 
         Fair os₂' 
         S' b i' is' os₁' os₂' as' bs' cs' ds' js' 
         ∃[ os₁'' ] ∃[ os₂'' ] ∃[ as'' ] ∃[ bs'' ] ∃[ cs'' ] ∃[ ds'' ]
           Fair os₁''
            Fair os₂''
            S (not b) is' os₁'' os₂'' as'' bs'' cs'' ds'' js'
lemma₂ {b} {is' = is'} {os₂' = os₂'} {js' = js'} Bb Fos₁' Fos₂' s' =
  helper₁ (Fair-out Fos₂')
  helper₁ : (∃[ ft₂ ] ∃[ os₂'' ] F*T ft₂  os₂'  ft₂ ++ os₂''  Fair os₂'') 
            ∃[ os₁'' ] ∃[ os₂'' ] ∃[ as'' ] ∃[ bs'' ] ∃[ cs'' ] ∃[ ds'' ]
              Fair os₁''
               Fair os₂''
               S (not b) is' os₁'' os₂'' as'' bs'' cs'' ds'' js'
  helper₁ (ft₂ , os₂'' , FTft₂ , os₂'-eq , Fos₂'') =
    helper₂ Bb Fos₁' s' ft₂ os₂'' FTft₂ Fos₂'' os₂'-eq