-- Well-founded induction on natural numbers

{-# OPTIONS --exact-split              #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-sized-types           #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-universe-polymorphism #-}
{-# OPTIONS --without-K                #-}

-- Adapted from
-- http://www.iis.sinica.edu.tw/~scm/2008/well-founded-recursion-and-accessibility/
-- and the Agda standard library 0.8.1.

module FOTC.Induction.WF where

open import Common.Relation.Unary

open import FOTC.Base

-- The accessibility predicate: x is accessible if everything which is
-- smaller than x is also accessible (inductively).
data Acc (P : D  Set)(_<_ : D  D  Set)(x : D) : Set where
 acc : (∀ {y}  P y  y < x  Acc P _<_ y)  Acc P _<_ x

accFold : {P Q : D  Set}(_<_ : D  D  Set) 
          (∀ {x}  Q x  (∀ {y}  Q y  y < x  P y)  P x) 
           {x}  Q x  Acc Q _<_ x  P x
accFold _<_ f Qx (acc h) = f Qx  Qy y<x  accFold _<_ f Qy (h Qy y<x))

-- The accessibility predicate encodes what it means to be
-- well-founded; if all elements are accessible, then _<_ is
-- well-founded.
WellFounded : {P : D  Set}  (D  D  Set)  Set
WellFounded {P} _<_ =  {x}  P x  Acc P _<_ x

WellFoundedInduction : {P Q : D  Set}
                       {_<_ : D  D  Set} 
                       WellFounded _<_ 
                       (∀ {x}  Q x  (∀ {y}  Q y  y < x  P y)  P x) 
                        {x}  Q x  P x
WellFoundedInduction {_<_ = _<_} wf f Qx = accFold _<_ f Qx (wf Qx)

module Subrelation {P        : D  Set}
                   {_<_ _<'_ : D  D  Set}
                   (<⇒<'     :  {x y}  P x  x < y  x <' y)

  accessible : Acc P _<'_  Acc P _<_
  accessible (acc h) = acc  Py y<x  accessible (h Py (<⇒<' Py y<x)))

  well-founded : WellFounded _<'_  WellFounded _<_
  well-founded wf = λ Px  accessible (wf Px)

module InverseImage {P Q : D  Set}
                    {_<_ : D  D  Set}
                    {f   : D  D}
                    (f-Q :  {x}  P x  Q (f x))

  accessible :  {x}  P x 
               Acc Q _<_ (f x)  Acc P  x' y'  f x' < f y') x
  accessible Px (acc h) =
    acc  {y} Py fy<fx  accessible Py (h (f-Q Py) fy<fx))

  wellFounded : WellFounded _<_  WellFounded  x y  f x < f y)
  wellFounded wf = λ Px  accessible Px (wf (f-Q Px))