-- Conat properties

{-# OPTIONS --exact-split              #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-sized-types           #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-universe-polymorphism #-}
{-# OPTIONS --without-K                #-}

module FOTC.Data.Conat.PropertiesATP where

open import FOTC.Base
open import FOTC.Data.Conat
open import FOTC.Data.Nat

-- Because a greatest post-fixed point is a fixed-point, then the
-- Conat predicate is also a pre-fixed point of the functional NatF,
-- i.e.
-- NatF Conat ≤ Conat (see FOTC.Data.Conat.Type).
Conat-in :  {n} 
           n  zero  (∃[ n' ] n  succ₁ n'  Conat n') 
           Conat n
Conat-in h = Conat-coind A h' h
  A : D  Set
  A n = n  zero  (∃[ n' ] n  succ₁ n'  Conat n')
  {-# ATP definition A #-}

  postulate h' :  {n}  A n  n  zero  (∃[ n' ] n  succ₁ n'  A n')
  {-# ATP prove h' #-}

0-Conat : Conat zero
0-Conat = Conat-coind A h refl
  A : D  Set
  A n = n  zero
  {-# ATP definition A #-}

  postulate h :  {n}  A n  n  zero  (∃[ n' ] n  succ₁ n'  A n')
  {-# ATP prove h #-}

∞-Conat : Conat 
∞-Conat = Conat-coind A h refl
  A : D  Set
  A n = n  
  {-# ATP definition A #-}

  postulate h :  {n}  A n  n  zero  (∃[ n' ] n  succ₁ n'  A n')
  {-# ATP prove h #-}

N→Conat :  {n}  N n  Conat n
N→Conat Nn = Conat-coind N h Nn
  h :  {m}  N m  m  zero  (∃[ m' ] m  succ₁ m'  N m')
  h nzero = prf
    where postulate prf : zero  zero  (∃[ m' ] zero  succ₁ m'  N m')
          {-# ATP prove prf #-}
  h (nsucc {m} Nm) = prf
    where postulate prf : succ₁ m  zero  (∃[ m' ] succ₁ m  succ₁ m'  N m')
          {-# ATP prove prf #-}