-- The FOTC co-inductive natural numbers type

{-# OPTIONS --exact-split              #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-sized-types           #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-universe-polymorphism #-}
{-# OPTIONS --without-K                #-}

-- N.B. This module is re-exported by FOTC.Data.Conat.

-- Adapted from (Sander 1992).

module FOTC.Data.Conat.Type where

open import FOTC.Base

-- The FOTC co-inductive natural numbers type (co-inductive predicate
-- for total co-inductive natural)

-- Functional for the NatF predicate.
-- NatF : (D → Set) → D → Set
-- NatF A n = n = zero ∨ (∃[ n' ] n = succ n' ∧ A n')

-- Conat is the greatest fixed-point of NatF (by Conat-out and
-- Conat-coind).

postulate Conat : D  Set

-- Conat is a post-fixed point of NatF, i.e.
-- Conat ≤ NatF Conat.
  Conat-out :  {n}  Conat n  n  zero  (∃[ n' ] n  succ₁ n'  Conat n')
{-# ATP axiom Conat-out #-}

-- Conat is the greatest post-fixed point of NatF, i.e.
-- ∀ A. A ≤ NatF A ⇒ A ≤ Conat.
-- N.B. This is an axiom schema. Because in the automatic proofs we
-- *must* use an instance, we do not add this postulate as an ATP
-- axiom.
  Conat-coind :
    (A : D  Set) 
    -- A is post-fixed point of NatF.
    (∀ {n}  A n  n  zero  (∃[ n' ] n  succ₁ n'  A n')) 
    -- Conat is greater than A.
     {n}  A n  Conat n

-- References
-- Sander, Herbert P. (1992). A Logic of Functional Programs with an
-- Application to Concurrency. PhD thesis. Department of Computer
-- Sciences: Chalmers University of Technology and University of
-- Gothenburg.