-- Non-intuitionistic logic theorems

{-# OPTIONS --exact-split              #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-sized-types           #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-universe-polymorphism #-}
{-# OPTIONS --without-K                #-}

module FOL.NonIntuitionistic.TheoremsI where

-- The theorems below are valid with an empty domain.
open import FOL.Base hiding ( D≢∅ )

-- The principle of indirect proof (proof by contradiction).
¬-elim :  {A}  (¬ A  )  A
¬-elim h = case  a  a)  ¬a  ⊥-elim (h ¬a)) pem

-- Double negation elimination.
¬¬-elim :  {A}  ¬ ¬ A  A
¬¬-elim {A} h = ¬-elim h

-- The reductio ab absurdum rule. (Some authors uses this name for the
-- principle of indirect proof).
raa :  {A}  (¬ A  A)  A
raa h = case  a  a) h pem

-- ∃ in terms of ∀ and ¬.
¬∃¬→∀ : {A : D  Set}  ¬ (∃[ x ] ¬ A x)   {x}  A x
¬∃¬→∀ h {x} = ¬-elim  ah  h (x , ah))