-- First-order logic base

{-# OPTIONS --exact-split              #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-sized-types           #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-universe-polymorphism #-}
{-# OPTIONS --without-K                #-}

module FOL.Base where

infix  2infixr 1 _⇒_
infixr 0 _⇔_

-- First-order logic (without equality).
open import Common.FOL.FOL public

-- We added extra symbols for the implication, the bicondicional and
-- the universal quantification (see module Common.FOL.FOL).

-- The implication data type.
data _⇒_ (A B : Set) : Set where
  fun : (A  B)  A  B

app : {A B : Set}  A  B  A  B
app (fun f) a = f a

-- Biconditional.
_⇔_ : Set  Set  Set
A  B = (A  B)  (B  A)

-- The universal quantifier type on D.
data   (A : D  Set) : Set where
  dfun : ((t : D)  A t)   A

-- Sugar syntax for the universal quantifier.
syntax x  e) = ⋀[ x ] e

dapp : {A : D  Set}(t : D)   A  A t
dapp t (dfun f) = f t

-- In first-order logic it is assumed that the universe of discourse
-- is nonempty.
postulate D≢∅ : D

-- The ATPs work in classical logic, therefore we add the principle of
-- the exclude middle for prove some non-intuitionistic theorems. Note
-- that we do not need to add the postulate as an ATP axiom.

-- The principle of the excluded middle.
postulate pem :  {A}  A  ¬ A