-- Inductive Peano arithmetic base

{-# OPTIONS --exact-split              #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-sized-types           #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-universe-polymorphism #-}
{-# OPTIONS --without-K                #-}

module PA.Inductive.Base where

infixl 7 _*_
infixl 6 _+_

-- PA universe
open import PA.Inductive.Base.Core public

-- First-order logic (without equality)
open import Common.FOL.FOL public hiding ( _,_ ;)
-- 2012-04-24. Agda bug? Why it is necessary to use the modifier
-- @using@ in the following importation?
open import PA.Inductive.Existential public using ( _,_ ;)

-- The induction principle on the PA universe
ℕ-ind : (A :   Set)  A zero  (∀ n  A n  A (succ n))   n  A n
ℕ-ind A A0 h zero     = A0
ℕ-ind A A0 h (succ n) = h n (ℕ-ind A A0 h n)

-- The identity type on the PA universe
open import PA.Inductive.Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality public

-- PA primitive recursive functions
_+_ :     
zero   + n = n
succ m + n = succ (m + n)

_*_ :     
zero   * n = zero
succ m * n = n + m * n

-- ATPs helper
-- We don't traslate the body of functions, only the types. Therefore
-- we need to feed the ATPs with the functions' equations.

-- Addition axioms
+-0x :  n  zero + n  n
+-0x n = refl
-- {-# ATP hint +-0x #-}

+-Sx :  m n  succ m + n  succ (m + n)
+-Sx m n = refl
{-# ATP hint +-Sx #-}

-- Multiplication axioms
*-0x :  n  zero * n  zero
*-0x n = refl
-- {-# ATP hint *-0x #-}

*-Sx :  m n  succ m * n  n + m * n
*-Sx m n = refl
-- {-# ATP hint *-Sx #-}