-- The LTC-PCF natural numbers type

{-# OPTIONS --exact-split              #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-sized-types           #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-universe-polymorphism #-}
{-# OPTIONS --without-K                #-}

module LTC-PCF.Data.Nat.Type where

open import LTC-PCF.Base

-- The inductive predicate 'N' represents the type of the natural
-- numbers. They are a subset of 'D'.

-- The LTC-PCF natural numbers type (inductive predicate for total
-- natural numbers).
data N : D  Set where
  nzero :               N zero
  nsucc :  {n}  N n  N (succ₁ n)

-- Induction principle for N (elimination rule).
N-ind : (A : D  Set) 
       A zero 
       (∀ {n}  A n  A (succ₁ n)) 
        {n}  N n  A n
N-ind A A0 h nzero      = A0
N-ind A A0 h (nsucc Nn) = h (N-ind A A0 h Nn)