-- Miscellaneous properties

{-# OPTIONS --exact-split              #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-sized-types           #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-universe-polymorphism #-}
{-# OPTIONS --without-K                #-}

module FOTC.Program.SortList.Properties.MiscellaneousATP where

open import FOTC.Base
open import FOTC.Base.List
open import FOTC.Data.Bool
open import FOTC.Data.Bool.PropertiesATP
open import FOTC.Data.Nat.Inequalities
open import FOTC.Data.Nat.List.PropertiesATP
open import FOTC.Data.Nat.List.Type
open import FOTC.Data.Nat.Type
open import FOTC.Data.List
open import FOTC.Data.List.PropertiesATP
open import FOTC.Program.SortList.Properties.Totality.BoolATP
open import FOTC.Program.SortList.SortList

-- This is a weird result but recall that "the relation ≤ between
-- lists is only an ordering if nil is excluded" (Burstall 1969,
-- p. 46).
-- xs≤[] : ∀ {is} → ListN is → OrdList is → ≤-Lists is []
-- xs≤[] nilLN                     _       = ≤-Lists-[] []
-- xs≤[] (lncons {i} {is} Ni LNis) LOconsL =
--   prf $ xs≤[] LNis (subList-OrdList Ni LNis LOconsL)
--   where
--     postulate prf : ≤-Lists is [] →  --IH.
--                     ≤-Lists (i ∷ is) []
--     {-# ATP prove prf ≤-ItemList-Bool ordList-Bool x&&y≡true→x≡true #-}

x≤ys→x≤zs→x≤ys++zs :  {i js ks}  N i  ListN js  ListN ks 
                     ≤-ItemList i js 
                     ≤-ItemList i ks 
                     ≤-ItemList i (js ++ ks)
x≤ys→x≤zs→x≤ys++zs {i} {ks = ks} Ni lnnil LNks _ i≤k =
  subst (≤-ItemList i) (sym (++-leftIdentity ks)) i≤k
x≤ys→x≤zs→x≤ys++zs {i} {ks = ks} Ni (lncons {j} {js} Nj LNjs) LNks i≤j∷js i≤k =
  prf (x≤ys→x≤zs→x≤ys++zs Ni LNjs LNks (&&-list₂-t₂ helper₁ helper₂ helper₃) i≤k)
  helper₁ : Bool (le i j)
  helper₁ = le-Bool Ni Nj

  helper₂ : Bool (le-ItemList i js)
  helper₂ = le-ItemList-Bool Ni LNjs

  helper₃ : le i j && le-ItemList i js  true
  helper₃ = trans (sym (le-ItemList-∷ i j js)) i≤j∷js

  postulate prf : ≤-ItemList i (js ++ ks)  ≤-ItemList i ((j  js) ++ ks)
  {-# ATP prove prf &&-list₂-t helper₁ helper₂ helper₃ #-}

xs≤ys→xs≤zs→xs≤ys++zs :  {is js ks}  ListN is  ListN js  ListN ks 
                        ≤-Lists is js 
                        ≤-Lists is ks 
                        ≤-Lists is (js ++ ks)
xs≤ys→xs≤zs→xs≤ys++zs lnnil LNjs LNks _ _ = le-Lists-[] _
xs≤ys→xs≤zs→xs≤ys++zs {js = js} {ks} (lncons {i} {is} Ni LNis)
                      LNjs LNks i∷is≤js i∷is≤ks =
  prf ((xs≤ys→xs≤zs→xs≤ys++zs LNis LNjs LNks
                              (&&-list₂-t₂ helper₁ helper₂ helper₃)
                              (&&-list₂-t₂ helper₄ helper₅ helper₆)))
  helper₁ = le-ItemList-Bool Ni LNjs
  helper₂ = le-Lists-Bool LNis LNjs
  helper₃ = trans (sym (le-Lists-∷ i is js)) i∷is≤js

  helper₄ = le-ItemList-Bool Ni LNks
  helper₅ = le-Lists-Bool LNis LNks
  helper₆ = trans (sym (le-Lists-∷ i is ks)) i∷is≤ks

  postulate prf : ≤-Lists is (js ++ ks)  ≤-Lists (i  is) (js ++ ks)
  {-# ATP prove prf x≤ys→x≤zs→x≤ys++zs &&-list₂-t helper₁ helper₂ helper₃ helper₄ helper₅ helper₆ #-}

xs≤zs→ys≤zs→xs++ys≤zs :  {is js ks}  ListN is  ListN js  ListN ks 
                        ≤-Lists is ks 
                        ≤-Lists js ks 
                        ≤-Lists (is ++ js) ks
xs≤zs→ys≤zs→xs++ys≤zs {js = js} {ks} lnnil LNjs LNks is≤ks js≤ks =
  subst  t  ≤-Lists t ks)
        (sym (++-leftIdentity js))
xs≤zs→ys≤zs→xs++ys≤zs {js = js} {ks}
                      (lncons {i} {is} Ni LNis) LNjs LNks i∷is≤ks js≤ks =
  prf (xs≤zs→ys≤zs→xs++ys≤zs LNis LNjs LNks
                             (&&-list₂-t₂ helper₁ helper₂ helper₃)
  helper₁ = le-ItemList-Bool Ni LNks
  helper₂ = le-Lists-Bool LNis LNks
  helper₃ = trans (sym (le-Lists-∷ i is ks)) i∷is≤ks

  postulate prf : ≤-Lists (is ++ js) ks  ≤-Lists ((i  is) ++ js) ks
  {-# ATP prove prf &&-list₂-t helper₁ helper₂ helper₃ #-}

-- References
-- Burstall, R. M. (1969). Proving properties of programs by
-- structural induction. The Computer Journal 12.1, pp. 41–48.