-- Streams properties

{-# OPTIONS --exact-split              #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-sized-types           #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-universe-polymorphism #-}
{-# OPTIONS --without-K                #-}

module FOTC.Data.Stream.PropertiesATP where

open import FOTC.Base
open import FOTC.Base.List
open import FOTC.Data.Conat
open import FOTC.Data.Conat.Equality.Type
open import FOTC.Data.List
open import FOTC.Data.Stream

-- Because a greatest post-fixed point is a fixed-point, then the
-- Stream predicate is also a pre-fixed point of the functional
-- StreamF, i.e.
-- StreamF Stream ≤ Stream (see FOTC.Data.Stream.Type).
Stream-in :  {xs} 
            ∃[ x' ] ∃[ xs' ] xs  x'  xs'  Stream xs' 
            Stream xs
Stream-in h = Stream-coind A h' h
  A : D  Set
  A xs = ∃[ x' ] ∃[ xs' ] xs  x'  xs'  Stream xs'
  {-# ATP definition A #-}

  postulate h' :  {xs}  A xs  ∃[ x' ] ∃[ xs' ] xs  x'  xs'  A xs'
  {-# ATP prove h' #-}

zeros-Stream : Stream zeros
zeros-Stream = Stream-coind A h refl
  A : D  Set
  A xs = xs  zeros
  {-# ATP definition A #-}

  postulate h :  {xs}  A xs  ∃[ x' ] ∃[ xs' ] xs  x'  xs'  A xs'
  {-# ATP prove h #-}

ones-Stream : Stream ones
ones-Stream = Stream-coind A h refl
  A : D  Set
  A xs = xs  ones
  {-# ATP definition A #-}

  postulate h :  {xs}  A xs  ∃[ x' ] ∃[ xs' ] xs  x'  xs'  A xs'
  {-# ATP prove h #-}

postulate ∷-Stream :  {x xs}  Stream (x  xs)  Stream xs
{-# ATP prove ∷-Stream #-}

-- Adapted from (Sander 1992, p. 59).
streamLength :  {xs}  Stream xs  length xs  
streamLength {xs} Sxs = ≈-coind R h₁ h₂
  R : D  D  Set
  R m n = ∃[ xs ] Stream xs  m  length xs  n  
  {-# ATP definition R #-}

    h₁ :  {m n}  R m n 
         m  zero  n  zero
            (∃[ m' ] ∃[ n' ] m  succ₁ m'  n  succ₁ n'  R m' n')
  {-# ATP prove h₁ #-}

  postulate h₂ : R (length xs) 
  {-# ATP prove h₂ #-}

-- References
-- Sander, Herbert P. (1992). A Logic of Functional Programs with an
-- Application to Concurrency. PhD thesis. Department of Computer
-- Sciences: Chalmers University of Technology and University of
-- Gothenburg.