-- Properties for the equality on streams

{-# OPTIONS --exact-split              #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-sized-types           #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-universe-polymorphism #-}
{-# OPTIONS --without-K                #-}

module FOTC.Data.Stream.Equality.PropertiesI where

open import FOTC.Base
open import FOTC.Base.List
open import FOTC.Data.Stream.Type
open import FOTC.Relation.Binary.Bisimilarity.PropertiesI
open import FOTC.Relation.Binary.Bisimilarity.Type


stream-≡→≈ :  {xs ys}  Stream xs  Stream ys  xs  ys  xs  ys
stream-≡→≈ Sxs _ refl = ≈-refl Sxs

≈→Stream₁ :  {xs ys}  xs  ys  Stream xs
≈→Stream₁ {xs} {ys} h = Stream-coind A h' (ys , h)
   A : D  Set
   A ws = ∃[ zs ] ws  zs

   h' :  {xs}  A xs  ∃[ x' ] ∃[ xs' ] xs  x'  xs'  A xs'
   h' (_ , Axs) with ≈-out Axs
   ... | x' , xs' , zs' , prf₁ , prf₂ , prf₃ = x' , xs' , prf₁ , (zs' , prf₃)

≈→Stream₂ :  {xs ys}  xs  ys  Stream ys
≈→Stream₂ {xs} {ys} h = Stream-coind A h' (xs , h)
   A : D  Set
   A zs = ∃[ ws ] ws  zs

   h' :  {ys}  A ys  ∃[ y' ] ∃[ ys' ] ys  y'  ys'  A ys'
   h'  (_ , Ays) with ≈-out Ays
   ... | y' , ys' , zs' , prf₁ , prf₂ , prf₃ = y' , zs' , prf₂ , (ys' , prf₃)

≈→Stream :  {xs ys}  xs  ys  Stream xs  Stream ys
≈→Stream {xs} {ys} h = ≈→Stream₁ h , ≈→Stream₂ h