-- Well-founded induction on the natural numbers

{-# OPTIONS --exact-split              #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-sized-types           #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-universe-polymorphism #-}
{-# OPTIONS --without-K                #-}

module FOTC.Data.Nat.Induction.NonAcc.WF-I where

open import FOTC.Base
open import FOTC.Data.Nat.Inequalities
open import FOTC.Data.Nat.Inequalities.EliminationPropertiesI
open import FOTC.Data.Nat.Inequalities.PropertiesI
open import FOTC.Data.Nat.Type

-- Well-founded induction on the natural numbers.
-- Adapted from http://code.haskell.org/~dolio/agda-share/induction/.

module WFInd where
  <-wfind : (A : D  Set) 
            (∀ {n}  N n  (∀ {m}  N m  m < n  A m)  A n) 
             {n}  N n  A n
  <-wfind A h Nn = h Nn (helper Nn)
    helper :  {n m}  N n  N m  m < n  A m
    helper nzero     Nm    m<0  = ⊥-elim (x<0→⊥ Nm m<0)
    helper (nsucc _) nzero 0<Sn = h nzero  Nm' m'<0  ⊥-elim (x<0→⊥ Nm' m'<0))

    helper (nsucc {n} Nn) (nsucc {m} Nm) Sm<Sn = h (nsucc Nm)
       {m'} Nm' m'<Sm 
        let Sm'≤Sm : succ₁ m'  succ₁ m
            Sm'≤Sm = x<y→Sx≤y Nm' (nsucc Nm) m'<Sm

            Sm≤n : succ₁ m  n
            Sm≤n = Sx≤Sy→x≤y (x<y→Sx≤y (nsucc Nm) (nsucc Nn) Sm<Sn)

            Sm'≤n : succ₁ m'  n
            Sm'≤n = ≤-trans (nsucc Nm') (nsucc Nm) Nn Sm'≤Sm Sm≤n

            m'<n : m' < n
            m'<n = Sx≤y→x<y Nm' Nn Sm'≤n

        in  helper Nn Nm' m'<n

-- Well-founded induction on the natural numbers (using different
-- properties of inequalities).

module WFInd' where

  <-wfind : (A : D  Set) 
            (∀ {n}  N n  (∀ {m}  N m  m < n  A m)  A n) 
             {n}  N n  A n
  <-wfind A h Nn = h Nn (helper Nn)
    helper :  {n m}  N n  N m  m < n  A m
    helper nzero Nm m<0 = ⊥-elim (x<0→⊥ Nm m<0)
    helper (nsucc _) nzero 0<Sn = h nzero  Nm' m'<0  ⊥-elim (x<0→⊥ Nm' m'<0))
    helper (nsucc {n} Nn) (nsucc {m} Nm) Sm<Sn = h (nsucc Nm)
       {m'} Nm' m'<Sm 
         let m<n : m < n
             m<n = Sx<Sy→x<y Sm<Sn

             m'<n : m' < n
             m'<n = case  m'<m  <-trans Nm' Nm Nn m'<m m<n)
                          m'≡m  x≡y→y<z→x<z m'≡m m<n)
                         (x<Sy→x<y∨x≡y Nm' Nm m'<Sm)

         in  helper Nn Nm' m'<n