-- Some properties of the function iter₀

{-# OPTIONS --exact-split              #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-sized-types           #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-universe-polymorphism #-}
{-# OPTIONS --without-K                #-}

module FOTC.Program.Iter0.PropertiesI where

open import Common.FOL.Relation.Binary.EqReasoning

open import FOTC.Base
open import FOTC.Base.PropertiesI
open import FOTC.Base.List
open import FOTC.Data.List.PropertiesI
open import FOTC.Data.Nat.Type
open import FOTC.Data.Nat.List.Type
open import FOTC.Program.Iter0.Iter0


iter₀-0 :  f  iter₀ f zero  []
iter₀-0 f =
  iter₀ f zero
    ≡⟨ iter₀-eq f zero 
  (if (iszero₁ zero) then [] else (zero  iter₀ f (f · zero)))
    ≡⟨ ifCong₁ iszero-0 
  (if true then [] else (zero  iter₀ f (f · zero)))
    ≡⟨ if-true [] 